Liberty Engineering & Construction Ltd

Email: Tel: +211 922 413 384 / +211 917 156 760

S/No.ClientProject TitleLocation
1Coperative BankOffice Buidling Assessment & Architectural DesignJuba, Jubek State
2DPOCFeasibility, Economic and Conceptual and Basic Design for Sewage Treatment FacilitiesPaloch, Upper Nile State
3DPOCConceptual and Basic Design for Provision of Demolition and Reconstruction of Paloch OBC Accommodation Blocks C&E and Laboratory BuildingPaloch, Upper Nile State
4DPOCSite Assessment, Technical Study, Conceptual and Basic Design for Flare and Flare Tip Adequacy at Paloch (WO-08)Paloch, Upper Nile State
5DPOCConceptual, Basic and Detailed Design for Provision of Outgoing Feeder Re-Configuration at Substation of Power Plant-2 Paloch, Upper Nile State
6DPOCConceptual and Basic Design for Review and Redesign of Produced Water Injection/ Disposal Pumps Working Philosophy Paloch, Upper Nile State
7IOMConsultancy Services for Construction of Guest House ExtensionJuba, Jubek State
8Ministry of Roads and BridgesConsulting Services for Design Review, Monitoring, and Supervision Services for the Upgrading of the Juba – Urban Roads (48km) including Luri Highway and Luri Bridge Project (48km) to Asphalt Concrete standardJuba, Jubek State
9Ministry of Roads and BridgesConsulting Services for Design Review, Monitoring, and Supervision Services for the Construction and Upgrading of Juba – Terekeka – Yirol – Rumbek Road (392.7km) to Asphalt StandardSouth Sudan
10NilePetConsulting Services for the or Design Review and Supervision Services for the Construction of Office HeadquatersJuba, Jubek State
11Samaritan's PurseEngineering Consultancy Services for Tukul and Compound WorksJuba, South Sudan
12Sheilada AssociatesWorld Bank Compound Security Upgrade Supervision WorksJuba, Jubek State
13USAIDMulti-year Engineering Consultancy Support ProgramJuba, Jubek State
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